All content posted on the website that you are about to enter is protected under Free Speech by the United States Constitution. Real Health Real Wealth/www.buyhcgsite takes NO responsibility for the content. The information on the site you are about to enter is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice of any kind. It is your God-given right and your Constitutional right to prescribe treatments for your own personal use without a prescription from a medical doctor. If you choose to use the products and/or the information on this 3rd party website that you are about to enter without the approval of your health care professional, you must personally assume all risk. Real Health Real Wealth/ assumes NO responsibility for the use or misuse of the material or products listed on the website that you are about to enter.
The statements on the website you are about to enter have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products listed on the website you are about to enter are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on the website you are about to enter is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information on the website you are about to enter too diagnose any health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should carefully read all product packaging, inserts, and labels. If you have or suspect that you have any medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider immediately.
Use the products listed on the website you are about to enter at your own risk. Internet advice is not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise or diet program. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot be held liable for any misuse of the products or recommendations on the website you are about to enter. We are not doctors. Always be sure to dispose of used needles in proper containers. Please check your local laws and regulations.
Please note, you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase products from the website you are about to enter. Do not order from the website you are about to enter if having those products is not legal in your locality. You are responsible for knowing your own federal, state, city, and county laws and regulations.
We are required by law to convey the following information, although we strongly disagree with the FDA conclusions: The FDA has not approved hCG for weight loss and there is no substantial evidence that hCG is effective in the treatment of obesity.
Real Health Real Wealth/ does not own the company for the website you are about to enter. This is the website of a 3rd party. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot refund your money for the products purchased from the website you are about to enter because we do not have your money. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot answer questions about the delivery schedule of any products you order from the website you are about to enter because the records for your order will not be maintained by Real Health Real Wealth/ Real Health RealWealth / sells only the HCG Mixing Kits and HCG Supplies listed on; the site that you are now leaving.I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ DOES NOT SELL HCG.