Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Reason You do Not......

The reason you do not like the REAL Gospel of Peace is because it sets people free from being controlled, manipulated, .... by other people, spouses, parents, children, churches, pastors, holy people, governments,......., :)

God gave us a free will to choose to live in a REAL relationship with HIM, fellowshipping with HIM, and to be ALL HE intends for us to be IN CHRIST, AS CHRIST is NOW and everything we do should be an out flow of our intimate, personal, REAL love relationship with the God of REAL love not a list of dos, don'ts,......put together by some organization, pastor, leader, human being. There are only 2 commandments; to love the Lord you God with all your heart and to love others as yourself ALL the commandments are fulfilled in these two :)

The reason you do not like the Gospel of Peace is because IT sets people free from the control, manipulation, force,...... of human beings and sets them free to worship the REAL God of REAL love and be who God intended us to be IN HIM :)

The ultimate goal of the Gospel is a loving , meaningful, intimate, personal, .... relationship with the God of REAL love thru the finished and completed works of Jesus Christ. Until people understand this goal, they will pervert the process. Because we fail to realize what God desires, we spend much of our time and effort pursuing an entirely different goal/gospel/......than that which the God of REAL love desires and planned for us :)

Jesus did not come to build an army. He came to recover a family. Through HIS work we are adopted, NOT inducted. Adoption is acceptance into a family. Induction is enlistment into an army. God is our FATHER{what a REAL Father should be}, not our general. Although Jesus is our Lord, He is also our Elder Brother. The ultimate goal of God is NOT a labor force or a warring force; it is a family ~ Dr. Jim Richards

Gospel of Peace


MY Story.........

YOUR thoughts, feeling, emotions,......


REAL Forgiveness

Every Seed Bears After Its own Kind

Switched Off My Brain

God Is NOT In Control......

REAL Love is able to see....

The Truth About Job......

Posted July 25, 2012