Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Buy HCG without prescription.


Injection HCG order below

Buy HCG without prescription. Find out all about it here.
STEP 2 ~ Medicine Search to the left put HCG
STEP 3 ~ Order

~3/2000 iu for 40 days OR
~1-5000 iu and 1-2000 iu for 40 days OR
~6-5000 iu for sub-lingual for 40 days OR


~2-2000 iu for 30 days OR
~1-5000 iu for 30 days OR
~4-5000 iu
for sub-lingual 30 days

ALL brands work; I prefer the Highly Purified products.

We will be posting on this blog about how you can get HCG without a prescription and answer your weight loss needs for pennies on the dollar. All handouts for success with this protocol are found to the right under November's drop down list.

The  bacteriostatic water you will need you can Google and find a source to order from.

We can save you the exorbitant charges that the doctors and clinics are charging. We have helped 100's that have and are "doing HCG themselves" and are keeping it off. It is easy, inexpensive, and anyone can do it themselves. We have helped 100's, save 100's, lose 100's. You can do it yourself, it is easy and we are here to help.

LeRae McBroom ~ ~ 719-671-7124 ~ Find me on  TSU Social Network ~ Highest Quality Worldwide ~  #316906 ~ Sunshine Health ~ 800-453-1422



Informed Consent Statement

1. I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ is a lay natural health ADVISOR, COACH, and TEACHER who deals strictly in helping people to improve their general health and fitness through better nutrition, improved lifestyle and health habits and positive mental attitudes.

2.I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ is NOT a licensed physician and cannot diagnose diseases, prescribe drugs or recommend treatments for specific disease conditions.

3.I understand that all evaluations performed by Real Health Real Wealth/ are designed to evaluate my inherent constitution and temperament for the sole purpose of helping me to improve my general health through nutrition, habits, and attitudes. I further understand that said evaluations cannot determine specific disease conditions I may have and do not replace the diagnostic services offered by licensed physicians.

4.I understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ neither claims nor implies that any instructions, advice, coaching, counsel, suggestions, recommendations, services, or products she provide, whether in person or by mail or by phone, will cure, treat, prevent or mitigate any disease conditions; but are provided solely for purpose of increasing energy, supporting the natural function of body systems and otherwise improving general health and fitness.

5. I understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ will not suggest that I cease any medical care I may be currently undertaking. I understand that the decisions I make regarding my health care and the health care of those under my guardianship are my responsibility and certify that I will not hold Real Health Real Wealth/ responsible for the consequences of my decisions.

6. I understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ believes that genuine healing comes only from God and that God has provided simple and natural methods such as rest, nutrition, herbs, exercise, attitude changes and touch to help people recover and maintain their health. I further understand that LeRae/Real Health Real Wealth shares these methods with others as part of her God-given and constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

7. I have ordered my own HCG off of the internet and Real Health Real Wealth/ the supplier of the syringes, bacteriostatic water, mixing bottles and needles is just explaining the “how to” of the protocol to me and providing me with the supplies to do the protocol myself.

I have read and understand the foregoing and agree to the terms and conditions set therein. I have printed a copy of this agreement for myself.
All content posted on the website that you are about to enter is protected under Free Speech by the United States Constitution. Real Health Real Wealth takes NO responsibility for the content. The information on the site you are about to enter is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice of any kind. It is your God-given right and your Constitutional right to prescribe treatments for your own personal use without a prescription from a medical doctor. If you choose to use the products and/or the information on this 3rd party website that you are about to enter without the approval of your health care professional, you must personally assume all risk. Real Health Real Wealth/ assumes NO responsibility for the use or misuse of the material or products listed on the website that you are about to enter.

The statements on the website you are about to enter have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products listed on the website you are about to enter are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on the website you are about to enter is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information on the website you are about to enter too diagnose any health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should carefully read all product packaging, inserts, and labels. If you have or suspect that you have any medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider immediately.

Use the products listed on the website you are about to enter at your own risk. Internet advice is not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise or diet program. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot be held liable for any misuse of the products or recommendations on the website you are about to enter. We are not doctors. Always be sure to dispose of used needles in proper containers. Please check your local laws and regulations.

Please note, you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase products from the website you are about to enter. Do not order from the website you are about to enter if having those products is not legal in your locality. You are responsible for knowing your own federal, state, city, and county laws and regulations.

We are required by law to convey the following information, although we strongly disagree with the FDA conclusions: The FDA has not approved hCG for weight loss and there is no substantial evidence that hCG is effective in the treatment of obesity.

Real Health Real Wealth/ does not own the company for the website you are about to enter. This is the website of a 3rd party. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot refund your money for the products purchased from the website you are about to enter because we do not have your money. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot answer questions about the delivery schedule of any products you order from the website you are about to enter because the records for your order will not be maintained by Real Health Real Wealth/ Real Health Real Wealth/ sells only the HCG Mixing Kits and HCG Supplies listed on; the site that you are now leaving.

I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ DOES NOT SELL HCG.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Flower Essence Blends Can......


How Nature's Sunshine's New
Flower Essence Blends Can
Help Your Emotional Well Being

It’s no secret that people in our modern world are facing a lot of stress. As we hear about the economy, wars, natural disasters and other troublesome news, it’s natural for us to feel negative emotions like sadness, fear, anger or even depression. In addition, we all face everyday problems that bring up negative emotional responses, such as conflicts in relationships, unexpected bills, struggles with health and other challenges. In fact, who in this world doesn’t need help from time to time with their emotions?

Order Direct
CLICK >  Nature's Sunshine 800-453-1422
Sunshine Health ~
Direct Wholesale Costs when you order $40.oo

That’s why flower essences are such an important tool for helping people to heal. Flower essences are vibrational (homeopathic-like) remedies made from the flowers of plants. They are used to help a person heal on an emotional, rather than a physical or mental level.

Dr. Edward Bach, an English medical doctor and homeopath, discovered how to use flowers for emotional healing and created the first 38 flower essence remedies, known collectively as Bach Flower Essences. He also created an “emotional first-aid” blend of five flower essences called Rescue Remedy, which is the most widely used flower essence product.

Dr. Bach was frustrated by the symptomatic approach of modern medicine. He felt that medical doctors focused too much on the pathology (the disease symptoms) and not enough on the patient. Bach was a pioneer in understanding gut microflora. He developed homeopathic “vaccines” called Bach nosodes to adjust the friendly flora of the gut to improve health. He was also an advocate of healthy diet and detoxification of the GI tract as a route to good health.

Bach wanted to create a system of healing that wouldn’t destroy living things and that would be gentle and effective in nature. It is believed that he created flower essences after sampling the morning dew on flowers and feeling the energy of the flower in the dew. He matched the vibration or energy of the plant with the emotional vibration of the person. Bach made his original flower essences by placing fresh flowers in pure spring water in the sunlight, although the tree-flower essences were made by boiling the flowers. Today, most flower essences are made using the first method, although some night blooming plants may be collected and extracted under a full moon.

Once the flowers have soaked in the water for a couple of hours, the flowers are then removed and the energetically charged “flower water” is preserved with brandy to make a mother tincture. The mother tincture is then diluted homeopathically into stock bottles, which are, in turn, used to make dosage bottles. As with homeopathic remedies, the dilution is so great that it is likely that none of the original substance is found in the remedy, only the “vibration” of the flower. In fact, the final remedy contains only one part in approximately 1.8 million parts of the original mother tincture.

How Flower Essences Work

To understand how flower essences work, we need to understand that plants have to overcome challenges in their environment, just like we do. They may encounter harsh weather conditions such as extremes of temperature, moisture or wind. They may also have to deal with rocky soil and attacks by insects and animals. Plants, like people, have an energy or characteristics that help them rise above these challenges. This energy can be likened to a person’s personality, which allows a person to cope in a positive way with the challenges they encounter in life.

Just as associating with a person with positive personality traits can help you learn how to meet life’s challenges in a constructive way, so can associating with the right plant energies. A flower essence captures the vibration of the plant’s personality, which helps your own emotional energy “learn” how to acquire that same personality trait.

As Matthew Wood says in his book, Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers, every healing plant is the embodiment of a conflict in the environment that the plant has successfully overcome. When we take the energy of that plant internally, it can “teach” us how to cope with what we are facing.

When we take a flower essence it can break through blocks in our heart, where we are in denial about what we really feel (and think). It can help us face feelings we aren’t acknowledging or are simply blaming on others. This increased awareness helps us make constructive changes in our thoughts and behaviors, which guides us back to a more centered or emotionally-balanced place, leading to increased feelings of peace, calm, love and happiness.

Seven Flower Essence Blends
CLICK >  Nature's Sunshine 800-453-1422
Sunshine Health ~
Direct Wholesale Costs when you order $40.oo

Nature’s Sunshine recently introduced seven flower essence blends, which I formulated with input from Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz of The Flower Essence Society. They are also the authors of my favorite flower essence book the Flower Essence Repertory. These seven flower essence blends correspond with the seven basic emotional states, which are discussed in my book, The Heart’s Key to Health, Happiness and Success. Here is a quick overview of each of these remedies.

Distress Remedy

Distress Remedy is the basic remedy for helping us to be more emotionally centered. It uses the same five flower essences in Bach’s Rescue Remedy, plus two additional essences. Distress Remedy promotes presence and awareness in traumatic situations, eases stress and promotes self-awareness or enlightenment. It is a good remedy to use whenever someone feels emotionally off balance, and would be the remedy to choose if you are unsure about what blend is best for a particular situation.

Keep Cool

The Keep Cool blend helps to ease feelings of anger and irritability. It helps a person learn to control their temper and to work through problems by communicating rather than fighting.

Find Strength

When a person lacks the ability to get in touch with their anger and stand up to abuse, Find Strength can help rebuild their energy. It promotes healthy personal boundaries, the ability to stand one’s ground and say “no” to unreasonable expectations and demands and the ability to fight back when one is being taken advantage of or abused.

Release It

When a person is grieving any loss, Release It can help them move through their grief, release what they have lost and find comfort and healing. It helps a person let go of the past and find inner strength to carry on. It is also good for people who feel like they are victims in life.

Open Heart

People who have been so deeply wounded that they have a difficult time trusting others or feeling sensitivity or compassion will benefit from Open Heart. It helps a person face past hurts and emotional wounds and open their heart again to love and intimacy.

Be Courageous

Courage helps us face our fears and the Be Courageous flower essence aids a person’s feelings of courage, self-confidence and self-reliance. It helps people overcome their fears and aids decision-making by helping a person have more trust in their own judgment.

Be Response-Able

Many times people dodge their pain and the difficult decisions of life by engaging in self-defeating behaviors. It takes self-awareness and a sense of responsibility to overcome addictive, compulsive or self-defeating behaviors. Be Response-Able helps a person get in touch with the emotions that are driving their dysfunctional behavior so they can start to make better decisions.

Using Flower Essences

The normal way to take a flower essence is to place 4-10 drops under the tongue and hold it there for a few seconds, then swallow. Use smaller doses for children and pets, and larger doses for adults. This can be repeated several times each day. It is best to separate flower essences from other remedies by 10-15 minutes to give them time to work. Flower essences can also be applied topically, added to drinking water or used in baths.

In acute or crisis situations you can take 4-10 drops every 1-2 hours. For instance, after an accident or news of a death in the family it may be helpful to take Distress Remedy or Release It frequently for the first few days. Generally speaking, people will notice a difference within 10-15 minutes of taking the first dose.

When working on long-term problems, people typically start noticing a difference within the first few days. However, it may take months or years to solve really deep-seated issues, and one may still need counseling, nutritional supplementation, detoxification and other remedies to restore complete wellness.

When using more than one flower remedy take them at different times of the day, at least an hour or two apart. Taking them at the same time will tend to lessen their effectiveness or may cause too dramatic of a shift in a person’s emotional state. If a person does experience too many emotions taking flower essences, slow down. Stick to one essence and take a smaller dose (2-4 drops).

Flower Essence Safety and Efficacy

Flower essences are gentle, safe remedies that can be used by children of all ages (including infants), adults of all ages (including the elderly) and pets. They are completely non-toxic. They can also be used in conjunction with other supplements and medications, but should be taken 10-15 minutes apart from other remedies for maximum effectiveness.

There are some things flower essences cannot do, however. For starters, they cannot directly cure any disease. Flower essences don’t work on diseases, but they work on emotional issues that may be contributing to illness or interfering with a person’s healing. Also, flower essences cannot take the place of medications or appropriate supplements in serious mental or emotional illnesses, such as clinical depression or anxiety disorders. They can, however, be used as an adjunct to other therapies in these cases.

Remember that flower essences aren’t a cure-all. They don’t replace the need for physical methods of healing such as nutritional supplements, bodywork, exercise and adequate sleep. They also don’t replace counseling, spiritual guidance, positive thinking, prayer or meditation, although they will enhance the effectiveness all of these other emotional healing tools. They will also enhance the effectiveness of herbal and nutritional programs, including helping people to make positive lifestyle changes. Best of all, everybody needs them, so you don’t need to wait for people to get sick to introduce them to natural healing.

Written By: Steven Horne
CLICK >  Nature's Sunshine 800-453-1422
Sunshine Health ~
Direct Wholesale Costs when you order $40.oo

Monday, November 30, 2009

Real Health Real Wealth/Does NOT sell HCG



All content posted on the website that you are about to enter is protected under Free Speech by the United States Constitution. Real Health Real Wealth/www.buyhcgsite takes NO responsibility for the content. The information on the site you are about to enter is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice of any kind. It is your God-given right and your Constitutional right to prescribe treatments for your own personal use without a prescription from a medical doctor. If you choose to use the products and/or the information on this 3rd party website that you are about to enter without the approval of your health care professional, you must personally assume all risk. Real Health Real Wealth/ assumes NO responsibility for the use or misuse of the material or products listed on the website that you are about to enter.

The statements on the website you are about to enter have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products listed on the website you are about to enter are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on the website you are about to enter is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information on the website you are about to enter too diagnose any health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should carefully read all product packaging, inserts, and labels. If you have or suspect that you have any medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider immediately.

Use the products listed on the website you are about to enter at your own risk. Internet advice is not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise or diet program. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot be held liable for any misuse of the products or recommendations on the website you are about to enter. We are not doctors. Always be sure to dispose of used needles in proper containers. Please check your local laws and regulations.

Please note, you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase products from the website you are about to enter. Do not order from the website you are about to enter if having those products is not legal in your locality. You are responsible for knowing your own federal, state, city, and county laws and regulations.

We are required by law to convey the following information, although we strongly disagree with the FDA conclusions: The FDA has not approved hCG for weight loss and there is no substantial evidence that hCG is effective in the treatment of obesity.

Real Health Real Wealth/ does not own the company for the website you are about to enter. This is the website of a 3rd party. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot refund your money for the products purchased from the website you are about to enter because we do not have your money. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot answer questions about the delivery schedule of any products you order from the website you are about to enter because the records for your order will not be maintained by Real Health Real Wealth/ Real Health RealWealth / sells only the HCG Mixing Kits and HCG Supplies listed on; the site that you are now leaving.I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ DOES NOT SELL HCG.


Waiver Disclaimer

Informed Consent Statement

1. I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ is a lay natural health ADVISOR, COACH, and TEACHER who deals strictly in helping people to improve their general health and fitness through better nutrition, improved lifestyle and health habits and positive mental attitudes.

2.I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ is NOT a licensed physician and cannot diagnose diseases, prescribe drugs or recommend treatments for specific disease conditions.

3.I understand that all evaluations performed by Real Health Real Wealth/ are designed to evaluate my inherent constitution and temperament for the sole purpose of helping me to improve my general health through nutrition, habits, and attitudes. I further understand that said evaluations cannot determine specific disease conditions I may have and do not replace the diagnostic services offered by licensed physicians.

4.I understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ neither claims nor implies that any instructions, advice, coaching, counsel, suggestions, recommendations, services, or products she provide, whether in person or by mail or by phone, will cure, treat, prevent or mitigate any disease conditions; but are provided solely for purpose of increasing energy, supporting the natural function of body systems and otherwise improving general health and fitness.

5. I understand that LeRae/Real Health Real Wealth will not suggest that I cease any medical care I may be currently undertaking. I understand that the decisions I make regarding my health care and the health care of those under my guardianship are my responsibility and certify that I will not hold Real Health Real Wealth/ responsible for the consequences of my decisions.

6. I understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ believes that genuine healing comes only from God and that God has provided simple and natural methods such as rest, nutrition, herbs, exercise, attitude changes and touch to help people recover and maintain their health. I further understand that LeRae/Real Health Real Wealth shares these methods with others as part of her God-given and constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

7. I have ordered my own HCG off of the internet and Real Health Real Wealth/ the supplier of the syringes, bacteriostatic water, mixing bottles and needles is just explaining the “how to” of the protocol to me and providing me with the supplies to do the protocol myself.

I have read and understand the foregoing and agree to the terms and conditions set therein. I have printed a copy of this agreement for myself.

All content posted on the website that you are about to enter is protected under Free Speech by the United States Constitution. Real Health Real Wealth takes NO responsibility for the content. The information on the site you are about to enter is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice of any kind. It is your God-given right and your Constitutional right to prescribe treatments for your own personal use without a prescription from a medical doctor. If you choose to use the products and/or the information on this 3rd party website that you are about to enter without the approval of your health care professional, you must personally assume all risk. Real Health Real Wealth/ assumes NO responsibility for the use or misuse of the material or products listed on the website that you are about to enter.

The statements on the website you are about to enter have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products listed on the website you are about to enter are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on the website you are about to enter is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information on the website you are about to enter too diagnose any health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should carefully read all product packaging, inserts, and labels. If you have or suspect that you have any medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider immediately.

Use the products listed on the website you are about to enter at your own risk. Internet advice is not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise or diet program. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot be held liable for any misuse of the products or recommendations on the website you are about to enter. We are not doctors. Always be sure to dispose of used needles in proper containers. Please check your local laws and regulations.

Please note, you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase products from the website you are about to enter. Do not order from the website you are about to enter if having those products is not legal in your locality. You are responsible for knowing your own federal, state, city, and county laws and regulations.

We are required by law to convey the following information, although we strongly disagree with the FDA conclusions: The FDA has not approved HCG for weight loss and there is no substantial evidence that hCG is effective in the treatment of obesity.

Real Health Real Wealth/ does not own the company for the website you are about to enter. This is the website of a 3rd party. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot refund your money for the products purchased from the website you are about to enter because we do not have your money. Real Health Real Wealth/ cannot answer questions about the delivery schedule of any products you order from the website you are about to enter because the records for your order will not be maintained by Real Health Real Wealth/ Real Health Real Wealth/ sells only the HCG Mixing Kits and HCG Supplies listed on; the site that you are now leaving.

I fully understand that Real Health Real Wealth/ DOES NOT SELL HCG.

Real Health Real Wealth Services

LeRae McBroom

I have had the honor and privilege of helping others with their health for almost 20+ years. There are all kinds of answers, solutions, possibilities and opportunities for your body to heal itself. We just need the right energy, nutrition, care, attention …… I love helping others learn how easy it is to take care of themselves. I am here to educate, direct, and teach.


Group Coaching/Teaching $100/hour
Individual Coaching/Teaching $35/ 30 minutes

$45 Private Educational Health Consultation
, includes Essences and EFT, Compass scan and Muscle Testing/Applied Kinesiology is the practice of applying a consistent force to a muscle in the body, in the presence of a defined stimulus, and observing the response of the muscle to the stimulus. Muscle testing has become well known as a tool of Applied Kinesiology, where it was pioneered by Dr. John Goodheart in the 1960s. Goodheart discovered that muscles instantly became weak when the body was exposed to a harmful stimulus, and strong in the presence of a therapeutic substance. In the 1970s, Dr. John Diamond further discovered that these weakening or strengthening effects were likewise achieved by emotional and intellectual stimuli, as well as physical.

Diamond, John, M.D., Your Body Doesn’t Lie (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)

Hawkins, David, M.D., Power vs. Force (Discussion of philosophical issues arising from muscle testing and this technique’s transformative potential for society)

Levy, Susan, D.C., Your Body Can Talk (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)

Thie, John, D.C., Touch for Health (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)

You Tube Kinesiology/Muscle Testing Explained

How do the Essences work? $25
The Bach Flower Essences and Canadian Tree Essence are a safe and natural method of healing. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions, such as, fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower and Canadian Tree Essences allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.

Canadian Tree Essence
Bach Flower Remedies
Natrure's Sunshine Flower Essence Blends

What is EFT? $25
EFT is based on a new discovery regarding the body's subtle energies. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says..."The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

And because our physical pains and diseases often appear to be connected with our emotions the following statement has also shown merit...Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."

Now Available!!!
Compass powered by ZYTO

ZYTO develops cutting edge technology that uses principles from Information Theory and Quantum Physics. This is such new technology so I want to take a few minutes to give you an overview of how the equipment works.

Most of your daily activity is managed by an exchange of information that happens at a level below conscious awareness. Every second there are an estimated 100 million impulses of information processed by your body that you are not aware of. The 70 trillion cells that make up your body are built for communicating this information. The outer cell wall is comprised of two layers of fat, called the bi-lipid layer. These molecules are organized in a crystalline pattern that facilitates communication. As the cells compress and expand, their structure generates the energy needed to pass information along, allowing your entire body to function in a coordinated and healthy way.

Using the hand cradle, the ZYTO Compass system eavesdrops on this energetic cellular communication. We do this by monitoring the electrical changes in Galvanic Skin Response or GSR , the same technology used for over a century in equipment such as the polygraph test. Much like the polygraph, ZYTO's technology sends stimuli to the body and measures the response. We do this by converting computer data representative of Nature's Sunshine nutritional supplements, into what are called virtual stressors. We then output these to the body and measure and rank the results from GSR . Using proprietary algorithms within ZYTO’s Decision Support Technology software we are able to determine the body’s degree of positive or negative response to the items being assessed. This information is extremely valuable, for example, in letting you know how your body is prioritizing different nutritional supplements. ZYTO's technology revolutionizes the way we make decisions by allowing us to communicate with and extract information from our bodies thus taking the guess work out of which supplements we need to bring our body back into balance.

7 Questions People Commonly Ask About ZYTO's Technology

How does the technology work?

In the most basic terms, ZYTO's technology uses quantum physics as well as established Galvanic Skin Response ( GSR ) technology to measure fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. A client places their hand on the hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures that represent actual things, and the fluctuations in GSR are measured and interpreted. The response helps the practitioner to see how the body responds to the items being assessed, which ones it prefers, and how much it prefers them. This knowledge is used by healthcare practitioners to maximize their results by helping them choose the right solution for their clients at the right time.

Are the results accurate?

Yes. ZYTO practitioners have performed tens of thousands of assessments worldwide. Practitioners have also used other modalities to evaluate the results of their ZYTO software with great results. Recently, a hospital study was conducted that showed a 95.2% correlation between the results of ZYTO’s technology and the recommendations of the doctor.

How can I experience this amazing technology?

Contact Me . . to schedule an assessment.

Are the results reproducible?

One of the most common questions that arises as people are getting to know the technology and how it works, is why the actual data from the scans changes from one assessment to another. As a matter of fact, because of what we are measuring, we don’t expect reproducibility. ZYTO's technology measures the most rapidly changing field in the body, the energetic field, which processes 400 million impulses of information per second. When dealing with complex mind-matter systems repeatable measurements are not expected. Instead you look for patterns and trends.

Are there any research studies on the technology?

There are myriad of studies that have been conducted over the last century on GSR and its use in measuring the body’s reaction to stimuli. In addition, several independent studies have been conducted by health professionals using ZYTO’s technology.

Can the technology be used to treat or diagnose?

ZYTO's technology is not designed to treat or diagnose. It is a tool designed to assist the healthcare practitioner in finding the body’s preferences for any list of items. This information is invaluable in helping the practitioner determine which product is going to maximize therapeutic results for the client.

Do you have FDA approval?

ZYTO’s technology does not qualify as a medical device and therefore does not require FDA Approval. We are always reviewing the changes in the industries and the laws of the countries we operate in to remain in compliance.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Private Educational Health Consultation


$45 Private Educational Health Consultation, includes Essences and EFT, Compass scan by ZYTO, Zero Point Energy Wand and Muscle Testing/Applied Kinesiology is the practice of applying a consistent force to a muscle in the body, in the presence of a defined stimulus, and observing the response of the muscle to the stimulus. Muscle testing has become well known as a tool of Applied Kinesiology, where it was pioneered by Dr. John Goodheart in the 1960s. Goodheart discovered that muscles instantly became weak when the body was exposed to a harmful stimulus, and strong in the presence of a therapeutic substance. In the 1970s, Dr. John Diamond further discovered that these weakening or strengthening effects were likewise achieved by emotional and intellectual stimuli, as well as physical.

Diamond, John, M.D., Your Body Doesn’t Lie (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)

Hawkins, David, M.D., Power vs. Force (Discussion of philosophical issues arising from muscle testing and this technique’s transformative potential for society)

Levy, Susan, D.C., Your Body Can Talk (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)

Thie, John, D.C., Touch for Health (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)

You Tube Kinesiology/Muscle Testing Explained

Compass Scan Explained


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Who Switched Off My Brain ~ Emotions ~ STRESS and Health



Health and The Emotions

Quantum: It has something to do with the splitting of the atom that causes the atomic bomb.

11 years ago my husband of 20 years and father of  our 3 autonomous daughters manifested cancer in his body went home to be with Papa, Daddy, Abba,....Source and left me penniless and 3 pre teens. I had a choice continue to be the nasty, hateful, fault finding, full of fear and negative emotional states.....religious, legalistic, holier than thou, in 3x a week, $1000.oo of dollars in tithes, offerings, books, cd's, and extra meetings during the weeks... guilt ridden, accusing, fear..... self righteous bitch OR change.

MY Story............

I chose to change. I have so changed in the past 11 years that close family members (at times my 3 darling daughters) have accused me of being too positive, too hopeful, too encouraging ....deceived, insane, "wrong" .......  I have told them all, " There is the door; don't let it hit you in the butt when you leave."

I have friends calling and asking, “Why am I gaining this weight? Why are my nutritional programs not working?? Why do the things I do for my health seem not to last??? Why am I getting sicker, fatter,......poorer???

If you are not available to change internally and emotionally you will gain it all back plus some, get sicker, fatter and.......suicide. If you are under a lot of stress/fear/holding onto negative emotional issues i.e. anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, hopeless, worry, hate, poor self esteem, no dignity, no worth..... gaining the weight back, weakened immune system,...... is guaranteed. Those who choose to flow in negative energy will have a lowered immune system, challenged brain function, low memory, gain your weight back and eventually get sicker, poorer, fatter,......dis- ease ...suicide.

I have been in holistic well being natural health for almost 25 years and those who did everything "healthy" i.e. herbs, supplements, organic this and that, purified water, purified air, ..... but did/do not deal with their internal energy flow/negative emotional states are no longer with us. Their programs do not work at all, long term, or they are just getting sicker, fatter,...... by the moment even though they are "doing healthy". 11 years ago I had an epiphany and went 180 degrees in the opposite direction and these past years have been increasingly more incredible, awesome, fun, exciting....... physically, abundance, REAL relationships , mentally....spirit, heart, sub consciousness, soul, body.

Yes, I do have shit hit the fan every day but I know there are answers, solutions, possibilities, opportunities,......There is a way over, under, through,.......I have had close family members tell me I AM TOO POSITIVE, TOO OPTIMISTIC, TOO HOPEFUL........TOO REAL...... My answer to them has been and will be, "Okay you live over there and I am going to live over here because the next 50 plus years of my life are NOT going to be what this first 40 years have been."

Those that "get it" and change the energy they are flowing in are seeing all of their nutritional, weight loss program or any other, health and maintenance programs work so much better, quicker, and long term.

MY thoughts, feelings, emotions,.....

REAL Forgiveness and BEing UN offendable ............

The science, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, REAL medical science and research, across the globe is in we have made ourselves fat an It is NOT God, the devil, spouse, government, jobs, Hollywood, music, kids, in-laws, out-laws, germs, is ME. I am the one in control of my life, health, future,....When I point the finger at someone or something else I have 3 pointing back at me.

Love ya!

When you are flowing in REAL love based emotions you are releasing chemicals and hormones that increase your immune system, increase your memory, keep the fat off, protect the cells and DNA. When we love ourselves, honor ourselves, and respect ourselves every cell we have believes the same. When you are in fear based energy, negative emotions long term you are producing chemicals and hormones in your body that do just the opposite.

Test Your Thyroid At Home



Test Your Thyroid At Home

Are you experiencing any of symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a silent illness because it goes largely under-reported and under-treated.

The thyroid is susceptible to damage from environmental toxins, especially chlorine, fluoride and bromine which are chemically related to iodine and compete with it for receptor sites on the thyroid gland. Furthermore, the lack of minerals in the modern diet starve the thyroid of needed nutrients. When your thyroid gland is not working properly, your metabolism and energy levels are disrupted.

Here are some signs of possible hypothyroidism:

* fatigue
* slow heart rate
* loss of appetite
* feeling cold
* weight gain
* depression
* scaly/dry skin
* weak immune system
* hair loss
* constipation
* difficulty concentrating
* slow speech
* goiter
* yellowish palms

Source: Balch, M.D., and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Avery, New York, 1997.
Home-based test to measure thyroid function

The basal body temperature (BBT) is a highly sensitive and accurate measure of low thyroid function, perhaps exceeding the reliability of available blood tests. The late Broda Barnes, M.D., a pioneer in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders, developed this test and successfully diagnosed and treated many patients based on its results.

Basically, the test involves taking your armpit temperature for four days and averaging the results. Depending on your temperature, you may or may not be experiencing low thyroid hormone production.

To check your basal body temperature, follow these simple steps:

Step 1. Keep a thermometer by your bedside so you can take your temperature before getting out of bed in the morning. (It is important to move as little as possible while taking your temperature .)

Step 2. Shake down the thermometer to read less than 92° F.

Step 3. Upon waking in the morning,take your armpit temperature for at least ten minutes.

Step 4. Record your temperature.

Repeat these steps for four days. (Menstruating women should record their temperatures on the second, third, fourth, and fifth days of their periods.) Calculate your average temperature for the four days. A normal metabolic rate will result in a waking temperature of between 97.8° F and 98.2° F (36.6° F and 36.8° F). Temperatures below 97.8° F (36.6° F) may indicate, at the least, subclinical hypothyroidism.

Source: Laval1e, R.Ph., C.C.N., N.D., Breaking the Metabolic Code, Basic Health Publication, Inc., Avery, New York, 2002.


Emotions/Weight Gain/Health

Flower Essence Blends Can Help Your Emotional Well Being

What is EFT???

You Tube explanation of EFT

Who Switched Off My Brain Handout

EFT is based on a new discovery regarding the body's subtle energies. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says..."The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

And because our physical pains and diseases often appear to be connected with our emotions the following statement has also shown merit...Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."

Compass by ZYTO

Compass powered by ZYTO
Let your body pick what it needs with a Compass Scan

You Tube Explanation

ZYTO develops cutting edge technology that uses principles from Information Theory and Quantum Physics. This is such new technology so I want to take a few minutes to give you an overview of how the equipment works.

Most of your daily activity is managed by an exchange of information that happens at a level below conscious awareness. Every second there are an estimated 100 million impulses of information processed by your body that you are not aware of. The 70 trillion cells that make up your body are built for communicating this information. The outer cell wall is comprised of two layers of fat, called the bi-lipid layer. These molecules are organized in a crystalline pattern that facilitates communication. As the cells compress and expand, their structure generates the energy needed to pass information along, allowing your entire body to function in a coordinated and healthy way.

Using the hand cradle, the ZYTO Compass system eavesdrops on this energetic cellular communication. We do this by monitoring the electrical changes in Galvanic Skin Response or GSR , the same technology used for over a century in equipment such as the polygraph test. Much like the polygraph, ZYTO's technology sends stimuli to the body and measures the response. We do this by converting computer data representative of Nature's Sunshine nutritional supplements, into what are called virtual stressors. We then output these to the body and measure and rank the results from GSR . Using proprietary algorithms within ZYTO’s Decision Support Technology software we are able to determine the body’s degree of positive or negative response to the items being assessed. This information is extremely valuable, for example, in letting you know how your body is prioritizing different nutritional supplements. ZYTO's technology revolutionizes the way we make decisions by allowing us to communicate with and extract information from our bodies thus taking the guess work out of which supplements we need to bring our body back into balance.

7 Questions People Commonly Ask About ZYTO's Technology

How does the technology work?

In the most basic terms, ZYTO's technology uses quantum physics as well as established Galvanic Skin Response ( GSR ) technology to measure fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. A client places their hand on the hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures that represent actual things, and the fluctuations in GSR are measured and interpreted. The response helps the practitioner to see how the body responds to the items being assessed, which ones it prefers, and how much it prefers them. This knowledge is used by healthcare practitioners to maximize their results by helping them choose the right solution for their clients at the right time.

Are the results accurate?

Yes. ZYTO practitioners have performed tens of thousands of assessments worldwide. Practitioners have also used other modalities to evaluate the results of their ZYTO software with great results. Recently, a hospital study was conducted that showed a 95.2% correlation between the results of ZYTO’s technology and the recommendations of the doctor.

How can I experience this amazing technology?

Contact Me....LeRae 719-671-7124 to schedule an assessment.

Are the results reproducible?

One of the most common questions that arises as people are getting to know the technology and how it works, is why the actual data from the scans changes from one assessment to another. As a matter of fact, because of what we are measuring, we don’t expect reproducibility. ZYTO's technology measures the most rapidly changing field in the body, the energetic field, which processes 400 million impulses of information per second. When dealing with complex mind-matter systems repeatable measurements are not expected. Instead you look for patterns and trends.

Are there any research studies on the technology?

There are myriad of studies that have been conducted over the last century on GSR and its use in measuring the body’s reaction to stimuli. In addition, several independent studies have been conducted by health professionals using ZYTO’s technology.

Can the technology be used to treat or diagnose?

ZYTO's technology is not designed to treat or diagnose. It is a tool designed to assist the healthcare practitioner in finding the body’s preferences for any list of items. This information is invaluable in helping the practitioner determine which product is going to maximize therapeutic results for the client.

Do you have FDA approval?

ZYTO’s technology does not qualify as a medical device and therefore does not require FDA Approval. We are always reviewing the changes in the industries and the laws of the countries we operate in to remain in compliance.




Fast Food is fast death. The middle of the grocery store is no better. Stay away from processed man made foods. God designed our bodies; God made REAL food. The closer to REAL food you stay the better your body functions.

Eat something as close to its original creation as possible every 2-3 hours. You will lose weight, keep blood sugar balanced, and keep your metabolism up and running.

Negative Emotions and Stress is quantum. It has something to do with the splitting of the atom that causes the atomic bomb and not dealing with this part of our lives seems so insignificant but the results of a negative emotional life are dramatic. Who Switched Off My Brain

Stress in the #1 Killer in the world.

Are you ready to change your emotions? Are you ready to change your thinking? Heart Physic

Epsom, Dead Sea, Mineral Salt Bathes …Peaceful, Quiet, Calm Pleasant,…natural healthy candles, peaceful music, enjoyable…..

You must drink ½ your body weight in OUNCES of water daily. ~

Bowels must move. There is only 2 ways the toxins/fat leaves the body via the urination and the bowels moving . God designed our bodies to eliminate after every time we eat. A baby is nursed and 20-30 minutes later the diaper is dirty. We were designed to function like this but because of the middle of the grocery store and our negative emotional flow (see Who Switched Off My Brain handout) we are not eliminating like we should. Keep your bowels moving or your weight loss will stall, health will be affected, headaches occur, energy is lost, ........ Cleansing

Dry skin brushing. Before you shower get a dry loofa or brush and in circular motions start at the finger tips and go towards the heart brushing the skin in circular motions . Go back to toes and move towards the heart in circular motions. Do this daily. Your skin is your largest eliminatory organ.

Our bodies heal during sleep. Naps are God ordained, healing, and the most intelligent people have always taken catnaps and meditated. Very Important.

If you are having any challenges call someone.

DO NOT STOP medications without consulting your physician.

PH Balance ~ Green is LIFE

Foods You Can Have

ORGANIC as much as possible

Meats: Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Veal, Eggs, Wild Game (Eat as much organic meat as possible as non-organic is full of xeno-estrogens and hormones) and all Non-Scavenger Fish (Tuna, Cod, Mackerel, Salmon, Bass, Brim, Trout… all fresh or frozen preferably)

Grains: Sprouted Grains (Ezekiel Bread) Oats, Spelt, Rice, a lot of the corn AND WHEAT is GMO ~ Stay away from GMO everything and anything

Vegetables: All green veggies (the darker the better), sweet potatoes, carrots, … Color, Variety,…..

Sweeteners: Brown Rice Syrup, Agave, Stevia, RAW Honey ~ Use SPARINGLY

Fruits: All (except Bananas, Oranges, Strawberries; because of high use of pesticides) ORGANIC BEST

Vegetables: At least five serving of Raw Green Veggies a day ~ ORGANIC BEST

Dairy: Butter, grass fed is best. RAW Goat's Milk is more compatible to the human body. Cows milk make COWS!!!!

Nuts: Almonds, pecans, cashews, brazil nuts, walnuts. (eat all nuts raw, soak almonds in water for 8 hours before eating)

If man messed with it stay away from it!
Box, Bag or Can

Negative Emotions and Stress are quantum. It has something to do with the splitting of the atom that causes the atomic bomb and not dealing with this part of our lives seems so insignificant but the results of a negative emotional life are dramatic. Who Switched Off My Brain ~ YELLOW Page

De-stress, defrag, forgive, let go of ALL negative emotional states ~ Experiencing REAL love ~
BLUE Page ~

Laugh, laugh at anything and everything you can. Deep belly rolling on the floor, tears running down your face, ....laughter

Grounding/Earthing ~ Sun Gazing ~ Walk in the Forest, Nature,…..on the ground

Epsom, Dead Sea, Mineral Salt Bathes …Peaceful, Quiet, Calm Pleasant,…natural healthy candles, peaceful music, enjoyable…..

You must drink ½ your body weight in OUNCES of water REAL H20 daily.


Good Fats  are crucial to proper cell functions

Dr. Simeon’s Original Protocol


23 on - 30 off - 23 on - 30 off - 23 on...   OR    40 on - 6wks off – 40 on - 8wks off- 40 on -10wks off

2 Meats ~ 2 Fruits ~ 2 Veggies  while in Phase 2/HCG  Stage

Dr. ATW Simeon’s Original Manuscript Protocol

Breakfast: Water, tea, or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Sweet Leaf  Liquid  Stevia is an acceptable natural substitute. Nu-Stevia or other sweetener substitutes are NOT ALLOWED.

Lunch: 1. 100 grams/3.5 oz of veal, buffalo, antelope, elk, venison, pork loin, chicken breast, ostrich, white fish (e.g. Tilapia, Halibut, Cod), lobster, crab, crawfish, prawns, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Fish NOT allowed are: salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish. 100 grams of dry curd cottage cheese may occasionally be used for protein.

Vegetables are unlimited but 1 (one) kind per meal ~  Lunch and Dinner
2. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, dark green lettuce, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.

3. One bread stick (grissini) or one plain Melba toast (these are optional).

4. An apple or an orange or a handful of strawberries or one large tomato or a handful of grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes or one-half grapefruit. You can also use your fruit at 9-10 am and at 3-4 pm snack OR after dinner snack.

Dinner: The same menu choices. You can eat a different meat and a veggie they do not have to be the same as lunch.

The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. The lemon itself is NOT allowed to be eaten. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, garlic pepper blend etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter, butter or dressing or anything else.

Tea, coffee, plain water or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. Drink ½ your weight in ounces of water daily.

The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch and dinner, but not more than the four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.

No cosmetics other than lipstick, eyebrow pencil and mineral-based powder may used. No lotions of any kind. 98%  Aloe Vera Gel, Oil FREE Lotion as a moisturizer, Mineral Rock deodorant maybe used .

All things not listed are forbidden. The 100 grams/3.5oz. Of meat must be scrupulously weighed raw after all visible fat has been removed to do this accurately you must use a letter scale.

It is permissible to break up the two meals. For instance, having a breadstick and an apple for breakfast or before going to bed, provided they are deducted for the regular meals. The whole daily ration of two breadsticks or two fruits may NOT be eaten at the same time, nor can any item saved from the previous day be added on the following day.

LeRae McBroom ~ 719-671-7124

Find me on FACEBOOK/Twitter@opulencenow/Linked In Highest Quality Worldwide ~  #316906 ~ Sunshine Health

Phase 3

PURPLE PAGE ~ Exercise

PLEASE NOTE: You must do this phase to stabilize or you will gain ALL the weight back.

No Starch No Sugar No Simple Carbs
(3- 6 weeks after HCG injections or HCG Drops or Pellets)
Great Site for phase 3
Get back on GOOD Fats and Increase Proteins
For Maintenance

Vegetables allowed during phase 3/after HCG

Avocado (increase all good fats), Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower
Bell Peppers, Chile Peppers, Mushrooms, Summer Squash(yellow)
Zucchini, Eggplant, Sprouts (brussel, bean, alfalfa), Okra
~ There are more veggies that are at the website above ~

These vegetables are in addition to the veggies allowed during phase 2 or HCG stage.

We have helped 100's lose 100's save 100's
Lose a pound a day! HCG Protocol

LeRae McBroom ~ ~ 719-671-7124 ~ Find me on FACEBOOK//Twitter@opulencenow/Linked In Highest Quality Worldwide ~  #316906 ~ Sunshine Health

Who Switched Off My Brain ~ Emotions ~ STRESS and Health



Health and The Emotions

Quantum: It has something to do with the splitting of the atom that causes the atomic bomb.

11 years ago my husband of 20 years and 3 autonomous daughters manifested cancer in his body went home to be with Papa, Daddy, Abba,....Source and left me penniless and 3 pre teens. I had a choice continue to be the nasty, hateful, fault finding, full of fear and negative emotional states.....religious, legalistic, holier than thou, in 3x a week, $1000.oo of dollars in tithes, offerings, books, cd's, and extra meetings during the weeks... guilt ridden, accusing, fear..... self righteous bitch OR change. 

MY Story.....

I chose to change. I have so changed in the past 11 years that close family members (at times my 3 darling daughters) have accused me of being too positive, too hopeful, too encouraging ....deceived, insane, "wrong" .......  I have told them all, " There is the door; don't let it hit you in the butt when you leave."

I have friends calling and asking, “Why am I gaining this weight? Why are my nutritional programs not working?? Why do the things I do for my health seem not to last??? Why am I getting sicker, fatter,......poorer???

If you are not available to change internally and emotionally you will gain it all back plus some, get sicker, fatter and.......suicide. If you are under a lot of stress/fear/holding onto negative emotional issues i.e. anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, hopeless, worry, hate, poor self esteem, no dignity, no worth..... gaining the weight back, weakened immune system,...... is guaranteed. Those who choose to flow in negative energy will have a lowered immune system, challenged brain function, low memory, gain your weight back and eventually get sicker, poorer, fatter,......dis- ease ...suicide. 

I have been in holistic well being natural health for almost 25 years and those who did everything "healthy" i.e. herbs, supplements, organic this and that, purified water, purified air, ..... but did/do not deal with their internal energy flow/negative emotional states are no longer with us. Their programs do not work at all, long term, or they are just getting sicker, fatter,...... by the moment even though they are "doing healthy". 11 years ago I had an epiphany and went 180 degrees in the opposite direction and these past years have been increasingly more incredible, awesome, fun, exciting....... physically, abundance, REAL relationships , mentally....spirit, heart, sub consciousness, soul, body.

Yes, I do have shit hit the fan every day but I know there are answers, solutions, possibilities, opportunities,......There is a way over, under, through,.......I have had close family members tell me I AM TOO POSITIVE, TOO OPTIMISTIC, TOO HOPEFUL. My answer to them has been and will be, "Okay you live over there and I am going to live over here because the next 50 plus years of my life are NOT going to be what this first 40 years have been."

Those that "get it" and change the energy they are flowing in are seeing all of their nutritional, weight loss program or any other, health, well being, and maintenance programs work so much better, quicker, and long term.
YOUR thoughts, feeling, emotions,.....

REAL Forgiveness...

Who Switched Off My Brain
, 30 years of research by Dr Carolina Leaf; The HeartMath Solution, Childre and Martin; Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert, Researcher; The Genie In Your Genes, Dawson Church Ph.D.; Deadly Emotions, Dr. Don Colbert, MD; Happy for No Reason, Love for No Reason, Marci Shimoff; The Gospel of Peace and Grace: The Power to Change, The Anatomy of a Miracle, Impact Ministries , Dr. James B. Richards; Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting, Lyn Grabhorn; Hidden Messages in Water, Masaru Emoto; The Secret DVD; are just some of the resources I have been suggesting to my clients. Those that "get it" and change the energy they are flowing in are seeing all of their nutritional, weight loss program or any other, health and maintenance programs work so much better, quicker, and long term.

The science, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, REAL well being sciences, REAL health, REAL research, REAL BEing,......across the globe is in and we have and are the ones that make ourselves fat, sick,.....dis-eased at every level. It is NOT God, the devil, germs, spouses, significant others,  relatives, jobs, government, Hollywood, music, in-laws, out-laws, is ME. I am the one in control of MY thoughts, MY FEELings, MY life, MY BEing.....ME Me me me me me me ....MYself, MYself, I, Mine....ME. When I point the finger at someone and or soemthing else I have 3 pointing back at ME. 

Love ya!
When you are flowing in REAL love based emotions you are releasing chemicals and hormones that increase your immune system, increase your memory, keep the fat off, protect the cells and DNA. When we love ourselves, honor ourselves, and respect ourselves every cell we have believes the same. When you are in fear based energy, negative emotions long term you are producing chemicals and hormones in your body that do just the opposite.

REAL Forgiveness... ~ Highest Quality Worldwide ~  #316906 ~ Sunshine Health