Sunday, December 16, 2007

God is Good ......

The gospel is the glad and merry news that God is good, he loves you, and he will happily give up everything he has so he can have you. Contrary to popular belief, God is not mad at you. He is not even in a bad mood. The good news declares that God is happy, he is for you, and he wants to share his life with you forever.

Jesus is proof of this. The veracity of the gospel is evidenced in his death and resurrection. On the cross God showed that he loved us while we were sinners and that he would rather die than live with-out us. And through the resurrection he proved that nothing—not even death—can separate us from the love that is ours in Jesus Christ.

Through our representative Jesus our heavenly Father has joined himself to us, promising never to leave nor forsake us. We stand secure, not on our feeble promises to him, but on his unconditional and unbreakable promises to us.

And that’s it: God loves you and wants to be with you. It’s simple but it’s the biggest truth in the universe. We will spend eternity discovering in a billion different ways the limitless expressions of his unending love. Indeed, this is what we were made for—to receive and respond to his divine love. This is the fundamental law of our existence and the reason for our being. This is the best news you ever heard.
Tony Seigh

Posted 12/16/2012

HIS Love For Me......

REAL Forgiveness.....

MY of February 2012

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hurting People Hurt People

Posted Dec. 10, 2012

Hurting people hurt people. Because the majority of the church has been brought up on another gospel i.e. fear, hell, fire, brimstone,....force, manipulation, control,.....

For the most part WE ALL were born into the Kingdom with hell, fire, brimston
e, damnation,........Every seed produces after its own kind. This is a law, just like gravity, that God placed into flow and it is true here too. ALL they are focusing on is negative.

Every Seed Bears After Its Own Kind......

"If a negative feeling or a negative thought drives me to speak words or take actions this means that the outcome of those words and or actions will produce more of the negative feelings and or thoughts that started the whole process. I cannot be driven by negative feelings and ultimately have healthy positive outcomes. So many times I am moved by fear, desperation,...(a negative emotion) and I try to tell myself it is faith and in the end it all goes wrong and then I act like I don't understand why my faith failed. I have to notice what is driving me and if it is not harmonious with finished and completed work of Jesus Christ/REAL love I have to send it away and put on something else." ~ Dr. Jim Richards

If I am in negative emotional fear state (anger, bitterness, unforgivness, betrayal, self hatred, sorrow, sadness, insecurity, worthless, conflict, grief, self abuse, disdain, heartache, embarrassment, judgement, ......) when I am living, doing, teaching, sharing,..... then the results and the harvest is NOT going to be what I want. If I do something in a negative fear state then the harvest that I am going to get will NOT be what I want and that is where all the crazy negative nasty results come from. Because of what has been written on my heart/sub conscious....if the beliefs, feelings, emotions,...are out of a negative fear state I will produce a life of fear, chaos, hurt, discouragement,....

REAL love annihilates ALL fear. The REAL God is REAL love and perfect REAL love casts out ALL fear. When my foundation is built on REAL love and all my seed i.e. doctrine, teachings,....understanding, wisdom, knowledge,... emotions, feelings,..... comes out of REAL love then and only then will my house, life, health, wealth, relationships,.....stand and not be moved.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I do not hate anybody!!!

Posted November 21, 2012

No, I do not hate anybody. I disagree with what the extreme Muslims believe. I have been just as blatant about the 'church' and their off the wall actions and beliefs. The REAL Gospel of the REAL Jesus Christ makes everyone equal there is no......

..... Jew or Gentile, male or female, ....... .equality was Jesus' idea. The REAL Message of Jesus Christ does not promote wars...I know that manipulating, controlling, self righteous,.....hurting, mean, .....people have used the 'church' 'bible' validate their actions but you can use the Bible to validate anything.

The REAL message of Jesus Christ is REAL love. I apologize if I do not present everything perfect. I apologize that I have NOT arrived.I am in the process of learning, growing, being, .....just like everyone else. I need a Savior because of that very point. I am NOT perfect in myself.

Humanity is forgiven, righteous, made right, holy,....because of Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God. The REAL Jesus of REAL love is the answer for the world. Jesus became a man 100%, lived HIS humanity just like us, was crucified, buried, RESURRECTED and sits at the right hand of our loving heavenly Father ever praying for ALL humanity to see who they really are, how loved they really are, how special they REALLY are,.....Humanity has a free will and they can choose whatever life they want. Humanity is not a puppet. REAL love does NOT control, manipulate,force,.....and that is the difference between religion, news media, governments,..... and the REAL Message of the God of REAL love and the REAL Jesus Christ ......REAL love ;)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hurting people are mean, they attack, find fault, .....

Hurting people hurt people. Hurting people are mean, they attack, find fault, criticize, run down, condemn, focus on others because if they focus on others they do not have to deal with the shit in their own hearts. They stick their noses where they do not belong and keep the pot stirred so that with all the ruckus they make they cannot and will NOT take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHATEVER shit that is going on in their own hearts, lives, relationships,.....

I forgive you but because of your past actions I do NOT trust you. Trust is earned NOT given.

Judging is when I think I know why someone did something without communicating with them personally.

After 48 years and some codependent enabling relationships for most of those years I had to learn BOUNDARIES, REAL forgiveness, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, REAL love....there are some that even though I do everything I can to work things out they refuse the way of peace, REAL love, and choose to continue in their mess, dysfunction, mean, nasty, hateful ,ugly,....strife, gossip,....dishonor, disrespect,.... For those types I try to communicate with them and set boundaries however if they continue to dishonor themselves/me/others..... then I REAL love love 'em, forgive 'em, bless 'em, pray 'em but I do it from a loooooooooong way off. Proverbs tells me to "Guard my heart with ALL diligence for out of it flows my life, health, emotions, wealth, .....other relationships.

The God of Peace designed my body to live in peace and when I don't the consequences could cost me my life, health, wealth,....other relationships. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, God is the God of Peace, the REAL Gospel message is the Gospel of Peace and I am to be sharing the too good to be true REAL news of Peace to the world because of the finished and completed work of Jesus Christ.

Suppressed thoughts with their embedded emotions will explode. Our brains are designed to acknowledge, repent and forgive. ~ Dr. Caroline Leaf

"Repent means to change your mind"

Forgiveness means to send away the offense. It has nothing to do with the other person, them forgiving/ doing/ receiving it or not, ..... it is ALL about me and my heart and my actions. I send it away because it could cost me my life, health/ dis-ease, wealth,..other relationships.

Forgiving you gives me PEACE
Giving yourself peace is your job NOT mine.
Forgiving you does NOT mean I TRUST YOU
Forgiving you does NOT mean I want you in my life!

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” ~ R. Muller

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” ~ Lewis B. Smedes

“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive” ~ Alan Paton

I can move past what others have done to me. But I can never move past my unforgiveness ~ Dr Jim Richards

HIS Love For Me......

Monday, May 21, 2007

REAL Love IS Value


REAL Love is value. You protect who/what you value. You spend time with who/what you value. You give attention to who/what you value. You think about who/what you value. You can always tell who/what someone values by the degree of joy it brings them. The art collector spends millions of dollars for the opportunity to stand for hours looking at some rare painting, just for the joy it brings him. To communicate preciousness and high regard is love expressed. So, I guess that’s why I love to see my kids even when they’re driving me crazy, why Brenda is still the one I want to be with more than anyone else and why I never want to have even a second where I do not feel the presence of my God! Express your love to the people in your life and the God in your heart. What you don’t use you lose; what you don’t feed dies. The love you don’t communicate is worse than an open rebuke (Prov. 27:5)! ~ Dr Jim Richards

Hurting People Hurt People

Knowing and Feeling The Love of God mp3, CD's, DVD

REAL Love is able to see the......

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Every Seed Bears After Its Own Kind......


Posted Dec. 10, 2012
Revised January 10, 2015

Hurting people hurt people. Because the majority of the 'church'/ALL religions, including christianity/those in government/the world,...... have been brought up on another gospel i.e. fear, hell, fire, brimstone,....force, manipulation, control,..... fear, fear, fear,....ALL negative emotional states are just another form, fashion, aspect, degree of fear. Fear is the seed that is sown, planted, ....and it has a harvest. 

For the most part WE ALL were born into our worlds ...... with hell, fire, brimston
e, damnation,........Every seed produces after its own kind. This is a law, just like gravity, that God/Source/......placed into flow and it is true here too. ALL they, religion, government, manipulating, controlling, ...... focus on is the negative.

Every Seed Bears After Its Own Kind......

If a negative feeling or a negative thought drives me to speak words or take actions this means that the outcome of those words and or actions will produce more of the negative feelings and or thoughts that started the whole process. I cannot be driven by negative feelings and ultimately have healthy positive outcomes. So many times I am moved by fear, desperation,...(a negative emotion) and I try to tell myself it is "faith", or this is ok, "good", ..... and in the end it all goes wrong and then I act like I don't understand why my faith, beliefs, actions,  failed. I have to notice what is driving me and if it is not harmonious with REAL love I have to send it away and put on something else. 

If I am in negative emotional fear state (anger, bitterness, unforgivness, betrayal, self hatred, sorrow, sadness, insecurity, worthless, conflict, grief, self abuse, disdain, heartache, embarrassment, judgement, ......) when I am living, doing, teaching, sharing, posting something on a social network, writing a book, paper, blog,..... then the results and the harvest is NOT going to be what I want. If I do something in a negative fear state then the harvest that I am going to get will NOT be what I want and that is where all the crazy negative nasty results come from. Because of what has been written on my heart/sub conscious....if the beliefs, feelings, emotions,...are out of a negative fear state I will produce a life of fear, chaos, hurt, discouragement,....

REAL love annihilates ALL fear. The REAL God is REAL love and perfect REAL love casts out ALL fear. When my foundation is built on REAL love and all my seed i.e. doctrine, teachings,....understanding, wisdom, knowledge,... emotions, feelings,..... comes out of REAL love then and only then will my house, life, health, wealth, relationships,.....stand and not be moved.

God is NOT in control of the weather.......

REAL love.....

The  REAL Story.....

REAL Forgiveness...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

One-Way Love

Posted March o6, 2012
One-Way Love

We love the “if/then” proposition: “If” you do this, “then” I will do that; we are inveterate slaves (at worst) or grumpy employees (at best). We militate against the freedom of inheritance and the dependency of sonship. We love living as though “what goes around comes around” conditionality were true. That kind of conditionality makes us feel safe. It’s easy to comprehend. It’s appropriately formulaic. And best of all, it keeps us in control. We get to keep our ledgers and scorecards. The equation: “If I do this, then you are obligated to do that” makes perfect sense to our grace-shy hearts.
Unconditionality, on the other hand, is incomprehensible. We are deeply conditioned against unconditionality .......CLICK> CONTINUE

Sunday, March 4, 2007

God is NOT in control of the weather.....

Posted March 4, 2012

Anyone who can see something like this and say God did it or allowed does not understand what love is. ~ Pastor Allen Speegle ~

God is NOT in control of the weather, this earth,.. ...WE ARE. He gave us dominion over this earth and because the hearts of ALL of humanity have grown cold, do NOT know REAL love,.....the fear that is rampant through out this whole earth is what is causing all the malfunctions to happen. Greed is fear. Anger is fear. Unforgiveness is fear. All negative emotional states are FEAR.........ALL negative emotional states are just different degrees of fear.

Every Seed Bears After Its Own Kind.....
Every Seed Bears After Its Own Kind

Because most of us came into the Kingdom with hell, fire and brimstone preaching the results of those /messages/ teaching/energy are what we are experiencing today. God knew this was going to happen that is why it is in the Bible.

I can change my OWN PERSONAL heart at anytime. When my dignity, honor, worth, esteem, in the toilet taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for anything is impossible and therefore I blame a defeated (as Smegol in the Lord of the Rings) devil, God, others, that it's not my fault it's the devil, God, government, spouse, children,my parents, those teenagers, t.v., Hollywood, ....becomes the excuse.

REAL love......