Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Today 3/18/14

I found out today that the man I spent 8.5 years with is no longer here and is in the presences of HIS Creator the REAL God of REAL love.

He chose alcohol, he chose to allow others to treat him with dis honor, dis respect, ...... that is why I left him Jan 2, 2014 because I refused to see some one that I loved so very much commit slow motion suicide ever again.

He chose to hold onto unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, resentment, ......and like a half frozen rattle snake it bit him. His heart and body could not take it anymore; he is with his Abba, Papa, Daddy, ......Father God.

The use of alcohol, pornography, food, workaholics, addictions to ALL drugs, addictions to religion, to anything, ......is a symptom of the heart looking for REAL love in ALL the wrong places. Addictions are the bandages used by hurting souls to try and numb their hurting, unfulfilled, full of fear hearts,....from all the pains they have chosen to hold onto.

HIS REAL love.....